CIHT Coverage of PassageWay

CIHT Coverage of PassageWay

A lovely start to 2022 arrived in our inbox this morning; the latest copy of the CIHT (The Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation) magazine, ‘Transportation Professional’ features a section on PassageWay and our work for the Smart bus shelters that we are working on with Valo smart City, Grimshaw and Croydon council.

The piece features a few quotes from myself, on the importance of the project in trying to reduce the anxiety many travellers feel, whilst also encouraging new customers onto public transport:

"We are trying to help customers with their whole journey, rather than just showing bus times, and hope to remove the anxiety some people feel around catching public transport. Data is complex and the old bus timetables are very complicated and difficult to understand quickly. So we take the data and interpret it in away that makes it easier for people to see where they are, and where they want to go."

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